The YES Team donate to Colchester Night Shelter

YES staff raise awareness for World Homeless Day and World Mental Health Day

The YES team came together to contribute essential items to the night shelter in Colchester (CENS), in support of World Homeless Day and World Mental Health Day.  The YES Housing and Homelessness team works closely with CENS and staff very much enjoyed meeting the CENS team to learn about the excellent support they provide the homeless people in Colchester.

Centrepoint, the London based youth charity identified that 135,000 young people aged 16–24 were homeless or at risk of homelessness in 2022 – 2023. In that year, this equated to one young person becoming homeless every four minutes.

YES work with a variety of young people that are homeless and at risk of becoming homeless. This can include those that are sofa surfing, young people living in a dangerous or abusive environment and those staying in temporary accommodation such as a hostel or night-shelter.

YES is here for all young people aged 16-25 that may be facing the threat of homelessness in the Colchester area. We provide crucial advice and housing support, as well as food vouchers and signposting information.

Colchester Engagement & Next Steps (CENS), formerly known as Colchester Emergency Night Shelter, is a registered charity which has been supporting people who have found themselves homeless for almost 40 years. Not only do they provide a bed and a meal but they take the opportunity to offer great wraparound care to support residents which could include going along to the job centre with residents, attending appointments and providing help with forms, which many may struggle with. 

CENS have four regular volunteers who provide nutritious evening meals, breakfast and support.  They accommodate 16 people per night between the ages of 18 and 70 and they can stay for up to 6 months if they are on a waiting list for other accommodation. 66% of residents move onto permanent, safe and independent living.

Since opening, CENS have helped hundreds of people make fresh starts in their lives. Their service is in growing demand and YES continues to refer young people to CENS for shelter. Referrals have doubled between November 2022 and November 2023 – they had over 120 referrals in one month!

The YES Housing team, headed by Claire Hughes provides vital support to help those in need of shelter to access the services available at CENS. Claire’s expertise, connections, advocacy and trusted judgement make her a valued link worker and her support is fundamental to CENS and very much appreciated.

The homelessness issue has spiralled  with the cost-of-living crisis and many homeless also experience mental health challenges, often caused or worsened by the trauma of living without stability.

As a small charity, YES continues to provide valuable support to young people in need through your generous donations. Please visit the YES justgiving page

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